Getting There
Borneo Happy Farm is located at 18km off Kuching City Centre at Jalan Pei Yuan Selatan, Sungai Moyan, Batu Kawa with a travel distance of about 45 minutes by car from city centre.
It is accessible via Jalan Pei Yuan Sungai Moyan No. way of approximately 4.5 km of gravel road off Jalan Batu Kawa-Bau.
Plan your trip now!
Operating Hours
Operating on Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays only.
Operating hour: 0830 am - 0500 pm
** Ticket counters closed at 3:30pm.
Monday-Thursday (except Public Holidays): CLOSE for public (only accept Private Group bookings-50 people & above)
** For group booking kindly contact our marketing department 011-1053 6700 / 016-898 8084.
Admission Prices
You may now purchase your ticket via Ticket2U
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